
partypy can be used to simulate guest attendance at a party based on a list of guests, each assigned a “probability of attendance”. Below is a simple example of partypy’s core functionality:

import partypy as pp

First, we’ll load in some example data:

df = pp.load_party()
name probability_of_attendance
0 Donovan Willis 0.7
1 Jocelyn Navarro 0.7
2 Houston Stein 0.9
3 Carlos Mullins 0.5
4 Bridger Pruitt 0.7

Next, we’ll run 500 simulations of a party with this invited guest list:

results = pp.simulate_party(df["probability_of_attendance"],
Total guests
1 65
2 68
3 67
4 68
5 63

Finally, we can plot the results and optionally add a confidence interval of level C:

pp.plot_simulation(results, C=0.95)
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
/tmp/ipykernel_424/ in <module>
----> 1 pp.plot_simulation(results, C=0.95)

TypeError: plot_simulation() got an unexpected keyword argument 'C'